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GenWarisan - HTML Editor

HTML Editor

This free online HTML (WYSIWYG) web page maker allows you to design your own web page without installing any software on your computer. So easy to use, even for beginners! Features include:

Online HTML Editor Click Here

* Page Properties: Interface allows you specify page title, background color, foreground (text) color, upload a background image from your computer and apply a watermark to the image so that it doesn't scroll, and upload a background sound file.

* Find & Replace: Search your page for text, tags, and images and automatically replace all with something else.

* Highlight: Use this tool to "highlight" (specify a background color for) selected text.

* Hyperlinks: Click to easily convert text to a hyperlink and apply hyperlinks to images.

* Insert Images: Browse to locate an image file on your computer and upload it to your page.

* Table Wizard: Easily insert and customize your tables. Specify number of rows and columns, alignment, border size, cell padding, and cell spacing. Tables aid in the layout of your page.

* Insert Bulleted Lists

* Insert Numbered Lists

* Insert Horizontal Lines

* Form Wizard: Step-by-step wizard helps you to create and insert simple forms into your web page.

* Insert Text Fields and Text Boxes

* Easy Text Formatting: Format your text by selecting font face, size, color, bold, italic, and underlined via familiar word processor type buttons.

* Paragraph Formatting: One click aligns all left, right, or center.

* Button Wizard: Easily insert buttons anywhere on your page!

* MORE...
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Firefox 3

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